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OCIA Regional Discussions

In August 2024, Archbishop Aquila sent a letter to the presbyterate explaining upcoming developments to the OCIA ministry. One important development is Archbishop’s plan, with the help of the Office of Evangelization and Family Life Ministries, to create and eventually promulgate an outline of formation to be used during the catechumenal period of the OCIA. As a part of this process, the Office of Evangelization and Family Life Ministries, at the request of Archbishop, will be hosting multiple regional meetings to discuss the proposed formation and collect feedback. The presbyterate and all local OCIA coordinators (both from the diaconate and lay leaders) are invited to participate in these regional discussions.

Please read the document in preparation for the meeting. This is a first draft of the “Essential Catechumenal Formation” which, once updated with communal feedback, will be presented to Archbishop and formalized as the outline of what formation must be included during the catechumenate. If you plan to join for a regional discussion (in person or online), please plan to bring your input regarding anything you deem “missing and necessary” from this outline or suggestions for topics that could be eliminated and moved to the period of mystagogy or life long on-going formation. This draft was also sent out to all priests both digitally (via Melchizedek’s Mailbag) and in the all priest mailing.

Download the Essential Formation for the Catechumenate draft

Upcoming Regional Discussion Meetings

1 PM - 3 PM
10 AM - 12 PM
10 AM - 12 PM
6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
10 AM - 12 PM
10 AM - 12 PM
6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
RSVP for a Meeting

Unable to attend a meeting?

Fill out the Feedback Form! Use the following form linked below to submit your comments on the Draft for the Essential Formation for the Catechumenate document. This form will close on March 28th – please submit your feedback before then.

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